Happy Patch

Happy Patch, Happy Disc Golf

If you’re having an off day around the basket, you don’t need to dig deeper for mental strength. What you really need is the Happy Patch. Get yours now from our shop and start transforming your game.

Slump: The Struggle is Real

Your disc is gliding perfectly through the air, headed for the basket. Just seven steps short, it comes to a stop. One more throw for the birdie—no big deal, right? You’ve made this shot countless times. But now, the pressure is on. THIS. PUTT. HAS. TO. GO. IN. You fidget with your grip, your hand is trembling, and your heart is pounding. Do you have the right disc? In your mind, you see it spit out… or sail just past… all those “what ifs” start piling up. We’ve all been there. It’s annoying, distracting, and frustrating. But hey, this is where Unicörn’s Happy Patch steps in and clears the way.

Rub the Patch, Reset the Mind

Unicörn isn’t just a brand—it’s family. Whether you’re on or off the fairway, it’s about good times and great people. And you always have your Happy Patch with you: a unique textured imprint on all Unicörn gear, designed to bring your focus back when the pressure is on. How does it work? Simple. In those moments when everything is clicking, you rub your Happy Patch and lock in that feeling … after nailing a perfect drive, a night of laughter with friends … whatever brings you joy. These memories stay in your patch. So, when the round starts slipping, take a deep breath, rub your Happy Patch, and…

Throw Like You Don’t Care—and Sink the Shot

You grin. You’re back. No worries about grip, no overthinking your approach. You wind up, throw, and just enjoy the game—then your disc lands right in the basket. Maybe it sounds a bit mystical, but the truth is: the more relaxed you are, the better you throw. And that’s exactly what the Happy Patch does. Sometimes, it works so well that others come over just to rub your patch for good luck. Yeah, we’re speaking from experience.

Make Every Round a Happy Round

Don’t let nerves and frustration ruin your game. The Happy Patch is more than just an accessory—it’s a game-changer. Grab yours now from our online store and play your best round yet.